Useful Static Methods
Static Methods
You can use the static methods of NepaliDatePicker to perform some useful operations.
Convert AD to BS
You can convert AD date to BS date using the static method NepaliDatePicker.convertToNepaliDate(). The method accepts three parameters: year, month and day. The method returns an object with year, month and day properties.
const nepaliDate = NepaliDatePicker.convertToNepaliDate(1996, 4, 22);
console.log(nepaliDate); // { year: 2053, month: 1, day: 10 }
infoComing Soon!
- Convert BS to AD (NepaliDatePicker.convertToEnglishDate)
- Convert with format options
Find Leap Year
You can find if a year is leap year or not using the static method NepaliDatePicker.isLeapYear(). The method accepts one parameter: year. The method returns true if the year is leap year, otherwise false.
const isLeapYear = NepaliDatePicker.isLeapYear(2053);
console.log(isLeapYear); // true
If you want any other static/helper methods to be added, please Open An Issue.